Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Ethics of Leadership_Discussion (1)

Ethics of Leadership_Discussion (1)

Q Based on your reading of Ch. 2 and your emerging definition of ethics, choose the number that represents the extent to which you believe the United States’ version of free market capitalism experienced today is ethical. The choices are: #1: Very Ethical #2: Ethical #3: Slightly more ethical than unethical #4: Slightly more unethical than ethical #5: Unethical #6: Very Unethical

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It is known by everyone that losers and winners are there when capitalism is operating at its best. It is said by hardliners of capitalist that the ones who are industrious, prudent, responsible, efficient, honest, thoughtful, frugal, disciplined are the winners. The ones who are lazy, extravagant, impractical, shiftless, imprudent, negligent, and inefficient are the losers. The assumption that losers are punished and winners are rewarded follows this.